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CIPRA embarks on a long-distance walk

Feb 19, 2014 / alpMedia
CIPRA is taking over in 2014 the management of the secretariat of the "Via Alpina" long-distance trail. Together both networks are working for more sustainable development in the Alps. Passionate hikers shall not be the only ones to benefit.
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CIPRA International will in future run the secretariat of the "Via Alpina" long-distance hiking trail. © Via Alpina
For almost 15 years, the five Via Alpina trails between Trieste/I and Monaco have been meeting places for the locals and visitors, experience paths for the alpine living and nature spaces and a physical link between all eight alpine countries. The cooperation between the "Via Alpina" and CIPRA now offers a chance to continue developing the tourist offer while also enriching it with the topics of sustainable development. In the future exciting ideas and projects shall thrive right and left of the long-distance trail.
CIPRA takes over the international secretariat from the French association "Grande Traversée des Alpes", which initiated the project in 1999. CIPRA International manages the Via Alpina as a coordinator, in cooperation with the national representations already in place in the eight alpine countries.
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