...And action! Building for the Future
Aug 23, 2013
Municipalities in European mountain regions can act as pioneers for sustainable building, as shown by the short film "Building for the Future".

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Filming in the community centre of Lorüns/A: The MountEE film intends to heighten awareness of sustainable building and renovation. © Medienzoo
Minna, a technician from Sweden, sets out why more expensive building materials pay off in the long term. Elisabetta, the mayor of a municipality in Italy, explains the importance of involving local people in the planning of public buildings. Michael, an architect from Austria, shows how fresh mountain air can be supplied to enclosed spaces. The film "Building for the Future - how mountain communities take responsibility" depicts pioneers of sustainable building and renovation work.
The short film is part of the project "MountEE - Sustainable public building", which is being promoted by the European Union's "Intelligent Energy Europe" programme. The project aims to inspire municipalities to implement sustainable building and renovation work by showing how it is possible to create attractive and ecologically sound architecture in all mountain areas of Europe. Networks involving communities, experts and institutions are therefore being developed in the pilot regions in order to support municipalities in the planning and financing of their renovation and building projects. CIPRA is the lead partner of MountEE and responsible for publicity work: it will thus be bringing together people from the Alpine regions with representatives of the construction industry from the mountainous areas of Scandinavia, as well as from Friuli, the French Alps and the Pyrenees.
Short film "Building for the Future" and further information:, (de)
The short film is part of the project "MountEE - Sustainable public building", which is being promoted by the European Union's "Intelligent Energy Europe" programme. The project aims to inspire municipalities to implement sustainable building and renovation work by showing how it is possible to create attractive and ecologically sound architecture in all mountain areas of Europe. Networks involving communities, experts and institutions are therefore being developed in the pilot regions in order to support municipalities in the planning and financing of their renovation and building projects. CIPRA is the lead partner of MountEE and responsible for publicity work: it will thus be bringing together people from the Alpine regions with representatives of the construction industry from the mountainous areas of Scandinavia, as well as from Friuli, the French Alps and the Pyrenees.
Short film "Building for the Future" and further information:, (de)