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Energy efficiency in ski resorts!

Jun 18, 2013 / Verein Alpenstadt des Jahres
How to reduce energy consumption and green house gases (GHG) emissions in ski resorts? A pilot action in the Pays Serre-Ponçon Ubaye Durance (Pays SUD, France).
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Not only ski resorts consume a massive amount of energy but also are often located in remote areas and sorely afflicted by climate change - more than reason enough to start thinking about efficiency. © Leo-setä/
Trying to limit ski resorts impact on climate change, is it just a dream ? From setting-up an energy and green house gases (GHG) measurement protocol as a technical standard to an on-site testing phase.
Main objective: indentify existing sources for energy and GHG saving on this high economic sector in mountain.
Energy consumption can reach 8.5% of the annual turnover of ski resorts equipment operators, enrgy saving is however still a common skill to be improve ! To reach it, 4 steps: define a standard, estimate the on-site energy scheme, confirm the measurement protocol, and test it out.
With a large involvement of professionals actors, this standard had been validated and conclude. It aim to integrate all factors that influence energy needs and GHG correlated emissions in ski resort equipments operators activities: ski lifts, artificial snow, technical buildings, engines.
This measurement protocol has been tested on a pilot region, the ski resort of “Les Orres” (France, PACA Region) on last winter 2012-2013. All data on energy consumption, frequentation, nivology (snow measurement) and meteorology conditions have been monitored and will aim to precisely estimate all interactions in this network.
The next step is to formalise an audit standard document on the measurement protocol to adjust and improve it.
That advance one will be display and test on next winter 2013-2014 to match the requirement and needs of ski resorts operators.
The global purpose of this whole operation on energy saving and GHG emissions reduction is of course to be a test and an exemple to be duplicated all other the Alps, contributing to minimize climate change.