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Climate action plan of Bressanone

Jan 10, 2013 / Olivier Gilbert
With beginning of 2013 the city of Bressanone (20.000 inhabitants, located northern Italy in the Alps) will issue its climate action plan.
Sonnige Aussichten: Sonthofen installiert auf öffentlichen Gebäuden Photovoltaikanlagen.
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Sonnige Aussichten: Sonthofen installiert auf öffentlichen Gebäuden Photovoltaikanlagen. © Klaus Uwe Gerhardt pixelio
Bressanone which has been strongly engaged in the past with activities in the renewable energy sectors, has commissioned Eurac, in the framework of the Alpstar project, to undertake an examination of the energy consumption and of the related CO2 emissions of the town and to elaborate an energy concept which will individuate the activities aiming at reducing the overall CO2 emissions in the next years.
The expansion of the district heating system of Bressanone together with the recent photovoltaic installations has already contributed to a reduction of almost 10% of the CO2 overall city emissions between 2005 and 2012.
Alone the further development of the district heating with an enhanced use of biomass as an energy source and installing as much photovoltaic as installed in the last three years could almost allow to reach in year 2020 the target of reducing by 20% the CO2 emissions in comparison to 2005.
This target represents also the minimal goal of the Covenant of Mayors, meaning that the city of Bressanone would be fully entitled to join it.