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Biodiversity in times of climate change: management or wilderness?

Dec 01, 2010 / alpMedia
The concrete impact of climate change on biodiversity is still uncertain. However it is expected to be visible particularly in the behaviour of the flora and fauna in the Alps and also to be different for each species. The habitat of butterflies such as the marbled ringlet (Erebia montana) is set to shrink, alike the grouse's. But in a different way, because the grouse is more severely impacted by land use than by climate change.
Alpine Rock-Jasmine: the habitat of many species is becoming scarce.
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Alpine Rock-Jasmine: the habitat of many species is becoming scarce. © apollonio&battista/flickr.
In the brochure titled Biodiversity in times of climate change: management or wilderness? nature park administrators examine the impact of climate change on biodiversity in the Alps. Do we need wilderness first and foremost or good management? What are the priorities? What criteria do we need to consider? The answers can be found online in the English brochure at