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Legal barriers and potentials for a pan-Alpine ecological network

Nov 10, 2010 / alpMedia
A synthesis report from the international technical seminar in the frame of the "legal barrier" work package of Econnect, which took place on 6 May in Grenoble/F, is now available. In the focus of the seminar was the question "How can legal instruments contribute to the objectives of ecological connectivity in the Alps?".
Rechtliche Grenzen überwinden - für eine alpenweite ökologische Vernetzung
Image caption:
Rechtliche Grenzen überwinden - für eine alpenweite ökologische Vernetzung © CIPRA Frankreich
About 50 participants from several Alpine countries and from different sectors such as law, administration, protected areas and environmental associations exchanged their experiences and points of view along constructive discussions. They gathered the main obstacles and potentials of legal instruments. The results of the discussions will contribute to the further work within Econnect.
The synthesis report in English and French and the presentations are available on