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The true value of our mountains

Sep 30, 2010 / alpMedia
The European Environmental Agency (EEA) has just published a new report titled Europe's ecological backbone: recognising the true value of our mountains. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of population numbers, ecosystems, water cycles, land use, and policies in mountain regions. The report focuses its attention on forces and interactions between the various issues and their impact on Europe's mountain areas.
Mountain areas as Europe's ecological backbone. The new study by the European Environmental Agency provides an in-depth look at the situation as it currently stands in Europe's mountain areas.
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Mountain areas as Europe's ecological backbone. The new study by the European Environmental Agency provides an in-depth look at the situation as it currently stands in Europe's mountain areas.
The study also takes a look at global warming and records how rising temperatures have a lasting impact on species and their habitats in mountain areas. The EEA presented the new study as a part of this year's European Mountain Convention held in Norway in September.
The publication Europe's ecological backbone: recognising the true value of our mountains is available in English and can be downloaded at: