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An Alpine Museum for Slovenia

Aug 19, 2010 / alpMedia
In early August more than 1'000 mountaineers and mountain enthusiasts attended the opening of the Slovenian Alpine Museum (Slovenski planinski muzej - SPM) in Mojstrana/SI. The multitude of guests who attended underlines just how strong the demand is for such an institution in the Slovenian Alps. Slovenia owes its Alpine Museum first and foremost to Miro Eržen, who fought for the project for 25 years. The new Museum was officially inaugurated by the President of Slovenia Danilo Türk.
The Slovenian Alpine Museum has opened its doors, its principal objective being to acquaint young people with the world of mountaineering.
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The Slovenian Alpine Museum has opened its doors, its principal objective being to acquaint young people with the world of mountaineering. @ Borut Persolja
It is expected to attract around 30'000 visitors a year and will in future be an integral part of the tourism offer in Mojstrana. It covers a floor space of around 1'200 m2. While the Museum's permanent collection comprises 450 exhibits, other temporary exhibitions are also planned. One of the main objectives of the new Museum is to get young people interested in mountaineering and then train them accordingly. The Museum is located right at the entrance to the Vrata Valley and the Triglav National Park and is open daily in summer.
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