A treasure trove of ideas for climate projects - catalogue of measures online
Jul 13, 2010
Innovative ideas for implementing climate response measures are now available online at (de/en/fr/it/sl). There anyone with an interest in the subject and municipalities in particular can draw inspiration from the many adaptation and mitigation measures for climate change.

Image caption:
The Logar Valley is to be relieved of the burden of motorised tourism - a sensible traffic-calming measure in the Landscape Park and the first association of residents for the self-administration of a protected area. © Logarska Dolina
The measures stem from the six topic areas which also underpin the cc.alps project: Energy, Nature Conservation, Construction and Renovation, Transport, Spatial Planning and Tourism.
The catalogue of measures was drawn up and compiled by cc.alps in co-operation with the Alliance in the Alps network of municipalities.
The measures will prove particularly useful to communities keen to take part in the recently launched competition by the dynAlp-climate promotion programme: (de/fr/it/sl).
The catalogue of measures was drawn up and compiled by cc.alps in co-operation with the Alliance in the Alps network of municipalities.
The measures will prove particularly useful to communities keen to take part in the recently launched competition by the dynAlp-climate promotion programme: (de/fr/it/sl).