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The "brain drain": an opportunity for the Alps?

Jul 07, 2010 / alpMedia
Highly qualified people are also leaving alpine regions to move to other regions or countries. But according to a study by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Alpenländer (ARGE ALPE) Working Group the Alps can put this brain drain to a positive use. Indeed these brilliant minds are also multipliers and image carriers for their homeland around the globe, a fact that should be capitalised on.
Capitalising on the brain drain: networking is more important than close proximity.
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Capitalising on the brain drain: networking is more important than close proximity. © hofschlaeger,
A region's industry, tourism and image can all benefit from these ambassadors abroad. But according to the study these highly qualified specialists who have chosen to emigrate must maintain their ties with their homeland. Network and structures should therefore be set up to maintain contacts with the emigrants and promote the exchange of knowledge. A number of such initiatives already exist: The Network of South Tyroleans Abroad has 1'300 members in more than 80 countries around the world. Besides a forum the platform offers a job exchange and the latest news on South Tyrol.
Source and additional information: (de/it)