Think tank workshop Dobbiaco/Toblach: Elaborating recommendations for stakeholder integration
Jun 29, 2010
Local connectivity projects can only be implemented if stakeholders are integrated into these activities. Potential difficulties and supportive tools were in the centre of an exchange of experiences between representatives of the ECONNECT pilot areas and other stakeholders carrying out connectivity activities. The discussions were facilitated by the Ecological Continuum Initiative in the frame of a workshop.
The workshop on stakeholder integration took place in Dobbiaco/I on April 23rd, 2010 and was organised by Guido Plassmann, Thomas Scheurer and Beat Schlüchter. It was the first workshop in the frame of the "Think tank" - a poll of experts who cooperate in a problem and result oriented way in the field of ecological connectivity in the Alps. The topics to be discussed within the Think tank workshops have been elaborated at the inaugural workshop in December 2009 in Chamonix where 26 experts from all Alpine countries expressed their needs and expectations in relation to a think tank on Alpine ecological networks.
As a result of the workshop, a comparative overview about the tools used for stakeholder integration in the seven ECONNECT pilot areas has been made. Since most of the activities in the ECONNECT pilot regions are yet in an early phase, the actions focus mainly on tools relevant for this state, e.g. on preparation and communication. Furthermore, the workshop participants concluded some recommendations for stakeholder integration in connectivity projects. The conclusions are divided in three major topics: cooperation with stakeholder groups, communication and initiation of projects. Further information and the report on the workshop are available at:
The next think tank workshop will take place on 17 November in Bolzano/I with the aim of discussing follow-up activities to the ECONNECT project.
As a result of the workshop, a comparative overview about the tools used for stakeholder integration in the seven ECONNECT pilot areas has been made. Since most of the activities in the ECONNECT pilot regions are yet in an early phase, the actions focus mainly on tools relevant for this state, e.g. on preparation and communication. Furthermore, the workshop participants concluded some recommendations for stakeholder integration in connectivity projects. The conclusions are divided in three major topics: cooperation with stakeholder groups, communication and initiation of projects. Further information and the report on the workshop are available at:
The next think tank workshop will take place on 17 November in Bolzano/I with the aim of discussing follow-up activities to the ECONNECT project.