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Sharing connectivity knowledge within and beyond the Alps and visualising corridors and fragmentation

Mar 26, 2010 / CIPRA Internationale Alpenschutzkommission
100 persons from eight European countries followed the invitation to the workshop in Grenoble, France, in November and used this opportunity for active knowledge transfer on ecological networks. The workshop discussions have helped the ECONNECT partners to agree on the appropriate methods which they are now using for modelling habitats and corridors for the whole Alps and for visualizing barriers.
In several presentations methodological expertise from various case studies was provided and shared with the participants. Discussion groups were formed to ensure the sharing of knowledge within three important issues of the project methodology and activity: Aquatic corridors, terrestrial corridors and participatory approaches. The workshop as a tool for the active knowledge transfer of the ECONNECT work package 8 profited from the expertise and direct participation of all attendees. Thus, the workshop yielded rich and manifold results for all involved stakeholders, conservation managers, non governmental and governmental organisations, scientists, and opinion leaders. The presentations, conclusions and the summary of the workshop, which was organised in cooperation of the University of Innsbruck, Cemagref Grenoble and the Conseil Général de l'Isère, can be accessed at: (en)