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New compacts on Transport and Spatial Planning now online

Mar 23, 2010 / cc.alps
The assessments of climate response measures for the areas of Transport and Spatial Planning have been available online since the end of February. Both background reports (or "compacts") can be downloaded from (de, en).
Full speed ahead ad infinitum? Scientific prognoses assume that traffic emissions will burden our climate in the future even more than now - unless countermeasures are taken.
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Full speed ahead ad infinitum? Scientific prognoses assume that traffic emissions will burden our climate in the future even more than now - unless countermeasures are taken. © CIPRA International
Transport and climate change: If we don't change our mobility patterns we won't achieve our climate objectives! That is one of CIPRA's core messages. On the one hand motorised transport has to become more expensive and, on the other, we need to push ahead with environmentally friendly types of transport. This CIPRA compact provides an overview of transport-related measures in the Alps aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change. (de, en)

Spatial Planning and climate change: Spatial planning and its instruments can contribute to preserving climate sinks such as bogs, fens, forests and river zones, preserving areas for the generation of renewable sources of energy. This CIPRA compact provides an overview of spatial planning measures in the Alps aimed at mitigating and adapting to climate change. What is crucial, though, is that spatial planning decisions relating to regional and settlement structures be taken not at the local level but at a regional level. (de, en)

Other compacts on the topics of tourism, natural hazards, water, agriculture and forestry in climate change are currently being processed and will be posted online in the spring.