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Updated brochure and new eye-catcher posters on ecological networks in the Alps

Feb 08, 2010
Just in time for the International Year of Biodiversity, the Ecological Continuum Initiative has printed an updated version of the brochure on Ecological Networks in the Alps. With a new design, the brochure "Restoring the web of life - Ecological networks for more biodiversity in the Alps" illustrates the ecological connectivity topic and makes it understandable to a wide public.
As a lot has been done since the brochure was first published in 2008, the texts about the Continuum Initiative and the Platform have been updated and a paragraph about ECONNECT has been added. Furthermore, the brochure contains a lot of new pictures of plant and animal flag connectivity species and of structures that enhance connectivity and installations that hinder it.
The brochure is accompanied by an eye-catcher poster in the same design, which should, especially at the events in the International Year of Biodiversity, draw attention to the three Alps wide connectivity initiatives. The poster is also available in a rollup format (2.10x0.79 m).
The brochure and the posters have been financially supported by the German Environment Ministry, the French Ministry of Ecology and the Swiss MAVA Foundation for Nature.
You can download the brochure and the eye-catcher poster in English, German, Italian, French and Slovenian at: For printed versions please contact: [email protected]