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Climate check-up for the Alps

Nov 05, 2009 / alpMedia
What sort of impact and side effects do climate response measures have? CIPRA's latest issue of AlpsInsight entitled In the Name of Climate Protection looks at how climate change issues are being addressed in the Alps and points the way towards sustainable action.
Preserving the Alpine idyl
Image caption:
Preserving the Alpine idyl: special glacier films are to help extend the winter sports season, as here on the Diavolezza Glacier in the Grisons/CH © Michael Kehl
Glaciers are melting; oceans are rising; streams and rivers are bursting their banks, and storms are becoming ever more violent. So far, so bad - but at least it's a known quantity. Virtually everyone now acknowledges climate change, and most people are familiar with the scenarios.
But a global problem needs a global strategy, which is what is being sought at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen/DK in early December 2009. It also calls for a local awareness of responsibility and for local action - also (and particularly so) in the Alps. And while the Alps are one of the causative factors of climate problems, they are particularly hard hit by climate change. A lot of pointless things, not to say detrimental things, are being done in the name of climate protection and adaptation to the consequences of climate change.
In the Name of Climate Protection is the latest issue of AlpsInsight. CIPRA's feature magazine looks at the impact and side effects of climate response measures in the Alpine region. The topic is not addressed in an abstract or scientific way, but tangibly and vividly using a range of themes and examples. It examines what is being done in specific areas such as nature conservation or transport, and what else could and should be done - and what should not. It is a mouthpiece for people who are actively engaged in climate protection. It also features "climate pilots", i.e. projects and initiatives that are leading the way.
In the Name of Climate Protection is based on the alpine-wide project cc.alps. As part of the project CIPRA took a closer look at 300 climate response measures; indeed, such a comprehensive "climate check-up" is a unique achievement worldwide.
For more information: AlpsInsight No. 92 In the Name of Climate Protection can be ordered free of charge from CIPRA International, [email protected]. The magazine can also be downloaded as a PDF file at (de/fr/it/sl)