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The Alpine Convention in small bites

Sep 24, 2009 / alpMedia
"The Alpine Convention in Small Bites" is the name of a new page on the website operated by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, which provides short summaries of the main contents of the Alpine Convention.
Die Website möchte der Öffentlichkeit die Inhalte der Alpenkonvention auf einfache und dynamische Weise vermitteln.
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Die Website möchte der Öffentlichkeit die Inhalte der Alpenkonvention auf einfache und dynamische Weise vermitteln. © TonerI07/ pixelio
The first summaries on "The Alps", "Population and Culture" and "Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development" are already available and further summaries will be added to the website at regular intervals in the next few months. Those who prefer a more detailed account of the Alpine Convention and its contents can go to the same page to download a book entitled "The Alps - Eight Countries, a Single Territory", which was published by the Permanent Secretariat in March. It is available in English and all the languages of the Alps.
Further information and files for download at (en/fr/de/it/sl)
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