Alps insight: Schengen for Flora and Fauna
May 20, 2009
CIPRA's Alps insight No. 90 (formerly CIPRA Info) "Schengen for Flora and Fauna" is devoted to the topic of biotope networking.
In the last few years there has been a paradigm shift in the protection of nature and species - away from the targeted conservation of rare biotopes to a more holistic view of the natural space. That has led to the ecological network model and to an approach to protected areas which integrates the world around.
What are the benefitsdoes a fully functional network offer to human beings? Why are protected areas important and yet not sufficient if the diversity of the Alpine flora and fauna, which is significant for Europe as a whole, shall be preserved. These and other questions are addressed in this issue of AlpsInsight. Many of the subjects addressed derive from the three big networking initiatives ECONNECT, Ecological Continuum and Platform Ecological Network of the Alpine Convention.
For further information, go to (de/fr/it/sl), (en), (en)
What are the benefitsdoes a fully functional network offer to human beings? Why are protected areas important and yet not sufficient if the diversity of the Alpine flora and fauna, which is significant for Europe as a whole, shall be preserved. These and other questions are addressed in this issue of AlpsInsight. Many of the subjects addressed derive from the three big networking initiatives ECONNECT, Ecological Continuum and Platform Ecological Network of the Alpine Convention.
For further information, go to (de/fr/it/sl), (en), (en)