"Cool heads in the hothouse! - Acting with Awareness in the Face of Climate Change"
Jan 29, 2009
On 2 and 3 April 2009 the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) and the municipality of Bolzano/I is organising an international conference entitled "Cool Heads in the Hothouse! - Acting with Awareness in the Face of Climate Change".
The conference is being held in four languages (de, fr, it and sl) and focuses on sustainable climate response measures in the Alps. Key points include carbon-neutral towns and cities, energy self-sufficient regions and regional planning as the most important means of climate, and adaptation to climate change. After a first day dedicated to guest speakers, the six workshops held on Day 2 give participants an opportunity to discuss these and related topics at greater length. The programme is rounded off with theme-related field trips in the region around Bolzano.
The town in South Tyrol is the 2009 Alpine Town of the Year and intends to seize this opportunity to launch a climate pact aimed at achieving a carbon-neutral status. CIPRA for its part is seizing the opportunity to showcase the initial results of its climate project entitled "cc.alps - climate change: thinking one step further".
Programme and registration form: (de/fr/it/sl)
The town in South Tyrol is the 2009 Alpine Town of the Year and intends to seize this opportunity to launch a climate pact aimed at achieving a carbon-neutral status. CIPRA for its part is seizing the opportunity to showcase the initial results of its climate project entitled "cc.alps - climate change: thinking one step further".
Programme and registration form: (de/fr/it/sl)