Is climate change drying up the Alps?
Nov 20, 2008
The Alpine range will continue to fulfil its role as central Europe's water tower in the future. But not without restrictions, according to the forecasts of a current study by a group of 20 experts commissioned by the European Environment Agency (EEA).

Image caption:
Water is an element that is vital to the lives of people, animals and plants. © PIXELIO / Bernd von Dahlen
According to the study on the water situation in the Alps the seasonal bottlenecks that are already being experienced are set to worsen. The EEA is publishing the full recommendations of the expert group in an 80-page report at the beginning of 2009.
On the same subject, the National Research Programme NFP 61 on "Sustainable Water Management" is to be launched in Switzerland this autumn, with an operating budget of CHF 12 m. The Programme's objectives include developing scientific foundations and methods for the sustainable use of water resources in Switzerland. The deadline for submitted pre-proposals to the Swiss National Science Foundation is 20 January 2009.
Sources and information: (de),
On the same subject, the National Research Programme NFP 61 on "Sustainable Water Management" is to be launched in Switzerland this autumn, with an operating budget of CHF 12 m. The Programme's objectives include developing scientific foundations and methods for the sustainable use of water resources in Switzerland. The deadline for submitted pre-proposals to the Swiss National Science Foundation is 20 January 2009.
Sources and information: (de),