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Successful destinations in alpine tourism

Apr 30, 2008 / alpMedia
BAK - Basel Economics has been analysing the success and competitiveness of some 100 tourist destinations in the Alpine region on a regular basis since 2005; however the study focuses only on economic aspects and does not take ecological aspects into account.
According to the study the 15 most successful destinations include four destinations in Switzerland, eight in Austria, two in Italy and one in Germany, with the resorts characterised by structural differences. While the list includes established resorts with a long tradition of attracting an international clientele such as Zermatt/CH, Kitzbühel/A and St. Moritz/CH, it also features less well-known destinations among its front-runners. The Kleinwalsertal in Austria for instance is a destination which is not as well known internationally, and yet it is regarded as the most successful of all the tourist regions under consideration.
The Alpine region as a whole is one of the most important tourist destinations worldwide in terms of the arrival of cross-border visitors. Information and download:
special_reports_and_studies/978_tourismus_bak_topindexW3DnavidW26154.shtml (de/fr/it)
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