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New publication on alpine landscapes

Jan 31, 2008 / alpMedia
The December 2007 issue of the bilingual La revue de géographie alpine / Journal of Alpine Research focuses on the Forum Alpinum held in April 2007, which was dedicated to the topic of landscape development in mountain areas.
The articles look at the different aspects of landscape. They analyse the findings of the Swiss research programme NFP 48 "Landscapes and Habitats in the Alps", the significance of social capital for rural development, the influence of urban developments in mountain areas on land use, potential instruments for landscape development illustrated by the creation of a biosphere park, and the political dimensions of landscape.
The Journal also refers to the cultural, historical and social importance of landscapes and the significance of landscapes as vectors of ecological diversity, tourism resource, and business location.
Bibliography: La revue de géographie alpine/Journal of alpine research, Vol. 95, No. 4, 2007, Paysages alpins en perspective/Alpine landscape - Views and prospects. ISBN 978-2-200-92331-0