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Agricultural genetic resources of the Alps

Jan 17, 2008 / alpMedia
The final report of the project "Continuous Monitoring of Agricultural Genetic Resources of the Alps: The Alpine Delphi" was published at the end of 2007. The project was conducted by the Monitoring Institute for Rare Breeds and Seeds in Europe in co-operation with the SAVE Foundation.
Final Report
Image caption:
Der Bericht unterstreicht: eine kleinstrukturierte Landwirtschaft trägt zur Artenvielfalt bei. ©
Together they developed a monitoring system which allows the continuous monitoring of the Alpine agro-biodiversity. Surveys among experts complemented in-depth research, promoting the networking of organisations and institutions as well as the documentation and updating of related data. The organisations also established an early warning system designed to identify critically endangered livestock breeds and cultivated plants.
The project picks up from a study on the "Agricultural Genetic Resources of the Alps", which began in 1992 at the incentive of CIPRA and was conducted by Pro Specie Rara, aimed at drawing attention to the importance of traditional cultivated plants and livestock adapted - and therefore resistant - to their environment.
Source, information and to download the final report in English or the executive summary in German and English: (de/fr/en).