Gymnaestrada 07: Exemplary sustainability
Jul 19, 2007
"SUSPORT" (SUstainibility & SPORT) is the name given to the environmental and sustainability concept for organisers of sporting events which has been drawn up by the organisers of the World Gymnaestrada 2007 together with the Swiss Federal Gymnastics Festival 2007.

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Die Vorgabe von Dornbirn/A für die Organisation der nächsten Weltgymnaestrada in Lausanne/CH ist hoch. ©
From 8 to 14 July the World Gymnaestrada attracted some 22,000 participants from 50 nations to the small town of Dornbirn in Vorarlberg/A, which successfully carried the day against a multitude of rivals. The organisers believe they owe their successful bid among other things to the sustainability concept. The EU Commission's Interreg-IIIa Project is all about the sustainable co-operation of regions in the international border area along Lake Constance, and the conceptual formulation and implementation of large-scale events for the benefit of the region while protecting the environment and nature. Besides mobility and transport, accommodation, energy balance and waste prevention, the concept also addresses cultural and social issues. Sources and information: (de/en); (de/fr) (de/fr)