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The Alps ideal for generating solar power

May 24, 2007 / alpMedia
According to a study by the EU research laboratory for the environment in Ispra/I the profitability ratings for solar power installations in Alpine regions are similar to those of solar installations in southernmost Spain. Solar irradiance in the hills and mountains of Austria for example reaches an intensity of up to 2,000 kilowatt-hours per square metre.
solar power
Image caption:
"Mediterranean" solar power potential in the Alps.
Even in price terms solar power in these regions is already on a par with conventional electricity. And yet only around 6,000 homes in Austria are currently equipped with solar power systems. But according to industry estimates, by 2020 one third of the electricity consumption in Austria could be met by solar energy. The EU researchers also believe that there is a great deal of growth potential in solar energy. The share of solar energy in Europe's overall energy demand could rise from its current figure of 2.5% to 6.2% by 2020.
Data on solar irradiance can be obtained for any location throughout Europe on the new EU web site (de/en/fr/it/sl). The electricity generating potential using photovoltaic systems can be calculated directly.
Source: (de)