Festival of occupational diversity in mountain regions
Sep 21, 2006
This year's international festival of "mountain professions" (Métiers de Montagne) is being held in Chambéry/F from 23 to 26 November.
The event aims to mobilise as many people employed in mountain regions as possible. Young people on the one hand are able to meet representatives of different professions and everyone benefits from this forum for mutual exchange of information and experience. There are information event focusing on individual professional fields: aspects of tourism, prospects for the provision of medical welfare in mountain regions, and even the use of avalanche search dogs. Crossover topics such as the concerns of seasonal workers and gender-specific issues are also to be discussed at length. Large exhibition grounds, an entertaining supporting programme and two public debates round off the event. The Festival is held each year, alternating between Chambéry and another town in a mountain area outside France. Some 7,000 visitors attended the first ever edition of the Festival, with the 2005 Festival attracting no fewer than 25,000 visitors.
For information and registration: (fr)
For information and registration: (fr)