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Sustainable Winter Olympics in Turin?

Feb 09, 2006 / alpMedia
Back when Turin was running as a candidate to host the Winter Olympics, Piedmont representatives of environmental associations criticised the candidature for its lack of environment-related issues.
Alongside the Green Card environmental action plan drawn up for the candidature, EU instruments such as EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) were used as "proof" of the Games' environmental compatibility. Clearly the environmental sins committed in the past by previous large-scale events have triggered a major controversy and given rise to the first signs of a reorientation towards a more sustainable approach compatible with the environment and the Alps.
Ahead of the event WWF Italy conceded the Olympics a satisfactory assessment with regard to environmental aspects, despite a number of negative issues. A concluding analysis has yet to be made. The economic aspect has already tainted the sustainability claim and called into question the reference to the Games as "green". The overall costs of €3.4 billion, to be borne essentially by the public sector, are in sharp contrast with the contribution of around €500 million budgeted prior to the Games.
Sources and information: (it/en), (it/en)
Filed under: sporting events, sport