GenderAlp!: Gender-sensitive spatial planning is possible
Dec 15, 2005
(15.12.2005) The Interreg IIIB Project "GenderAlp! Spatial Development for Women and Men" has been up and running for a year now. The Land of Salzburg/A as lead partner already has a number of project results to show. "Needs-oriented spatial planning for women and men in Salzburg" is just one of 47 partial projects by GenderAlp!
The Salzburg Project shows how regional planners can contribute towards taking account of the different needs of men and women in their practical work, for instance when drawing up zoning plans or development plans: in areas such as housing, the living environment, social infrastructure, public transport connections and safety in public areas. As a next step a practical guide is to be drawn up with quality objectives, criteria and indicators for planners and decision makers. Partners participating in GenderAlp! include Austria, Germany, France, Italy and Slovenia; the project runs until the end of 2007.
Sources and information: (en), (de) 09.12.2005
Sources and information: (en), (de) 09.12.2005