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Transalpine exchange on research into protected areas

Sep 22, 2005 / alpMedia
The third research symposium of the Hohe Tauern National Park/A, which was held for the first time as a transalpine conference on research into protected areas, ended on 17 September. At the conference 72 scientists from eight countries discussed a range of cross-border issues.
Fliegender Bartgeier
Image caption:
Bearded vulture: successful international co-operation. ©
The topics comprised the public perception of issues of research into protected areas, new technologies on visitor information in national parks, and the question of how the rising flood of data can be more effectively channelled into knowledge. Existing projects such as Habitalp and provided a further insight into current research co-operation.
The research symposium was made possible by the Interreg IIIB project ALPENCOM. ALPENCOM networks managers of alpine protected areas and allows the development of joint PR concepts.
To download the conference papers: (en)
For information on ALPENCOM: (en)