Trading emissions to achieve "zero emissions" target at the Olympic Games
Jun 30, 2005
Turin/I is aiming to maximise the reduction in the output of greenhouse gases during the forthcoming Winter Olympics with the aid of its HECTOR (Heritage Climate Torino) programme launched in 2004.
Just how many additional CO2 equivalents are to be expected from staging the Olympic Games was calculated using a range of factors such as the number and nature of the participants at the Games, the anticipated transport traffic and the energy requirements of industry and accommodation facilities.
As part of the HECTOR programme the Olympic Committee is now looking for partners to help subsidise climate-friendly activities. Businesses that implement CO2-saving projects with these donations can then transfer the emission savings to the Olympic Games. The Region of Piedmont is the first public-sector partner to support the HECTOR programme, with a sum of the €3 million.
Information and source: (it)
As part of the HECTOR programme the Olympic Committee is now looking for partners to help subsidise climate-friendly activities. Businesses that implement CO2-saving projects with these donations can then transfer the emission savings to the Olympic Games. The Region of Piedmont is the first public-sector partner to support the HECTOR programme, with a sum of the €3 million.
Information and source: (it)