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The Emmen valley - The vision of a valley heated without oil

Sep 23, 2004 / alpMedia
Timber and solar energy rather than oil, gas and electricity are to be the heating resources of the future in Switzer-land's Emmen valley. Although the Emmen valley region is densely forested, each year it still buys in some CHF 30 m's worth of oil, gas and electricity - while more than half the wood accruing each year simply rots away in the region's forests. It's a situation the "Oil of Emmental" project hopes to remedy.
Pellet manufacturing plant in Schüpbach in the Emmen valley/CH
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Pellet manufacturing plant in Schüpbach in the Emmen valley/CH ©
The project aims to invest less in outside energy sources and instead more in wood heating systems, solar installations and energy-saving measures. The region itself would then benefit directly from the money, creating new jobs in building installation practice and in forestry. The locally anchored project is supported by the Canton of Berne and EnergieSchweiz.
Computations show that the entire Emmen valley could easily be heated using only timber from the region itself and solar energy, without overexploiting local forests. It would entail simply using only as much timber as the region is capable of re-growing.
Source and information: (de)