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New publication: "Path to Nature's Wisdom - Ecological Dialogue Himalaya and Alps"

Aug 26, 2004 / alpMedia
The Naturschutzbund Steiermark/A has published a German and English conference book following the international conference "Path to Nature's Wisdom - Ecological Dialogue Himalaya and Alps". The conference was held in Graz/A from 9 to 11 October 2002 as part of the UN's International Year of the Mountains 2002, under the patronage of the Dalai Lama.
Publ WEge zur Weisheit
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Guest speakers included scientists, practitioners and politicians as well as spiritual leaders from many different cul-tural backgrounds. A good third of the contributions dealt with the world views of indigenous peoples and with Asian and Western ethics in an effort to draw lessons on the responsible and judicious use of nature. Other papers ad-dressed the variety of claims to exploitation in the sensitive ecosystems of the Himalaya and the Alps. The third topic area focused on notions of solutions and best practices such as Fritjof Capra's "eco-literacy" and the model of eco-social market economy.
Andrea Loseries-Leick, Franz Horvath (2004): Path to Nature's Wisdom - Ecological Dialogue Himalaya and Alps, ISBN: 3-9501292-1-9, price: € 22.00 plus shipping costs, available through: Naturschutzbund Steiermark (publishers) (de/en)