International conference on erosion and related problems
Aug 12, 2004
The European Land and Soil Alliance (ELSA e.V.) is holding its 3rd Annual International Conference under the motto "Erosion and Soil Protection - The Challenge of Soil Erosion for Local Authorities". The Conference is being held in Bolzano/I on 23 - 24 September, with simultaneous interpreting available in German, English and Italian.

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Soil erosion can be made worse by cattle tracks © Wasserwirtschaftsamt Rosenheim 2001
Soil erosion constitutes one of the key dangers for soils worldwide. With their geomorphology the Alps are particularly at risk. What dimensions have erosion processes reached in Europe? What countermeasures have been tested and show promise? These and other issues are to be discussed at the Conference. Catherine Day of the European Commission, Directorate General for the Environment, is to give an overview of the EU's new soil protection strategy. The Conference is aimed at interested participants not just from the field of science but also politics, the authorities, the environment and industry.
Source, information and registration: (de/en/it)
Source, information and registration: (de/en/it)