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St Moritz: the AlpenAkademie and a tourism, energy and agriculture alliance

Apr 08, 2004 / alpMedia
The Swiss region of Engadine/St Moritz is focusing on the appeal of educational tourism, with the founding of the AlpenAkademie by the Academia Engiadina. A range of offers including language and computer courses as well as tourism, tour guide and management studies are already in place, and others are in preparation.
The GeoParc, which offers a broad spectrum of education topics, is of great significance: the total energy project Clean Energy, St Moritz as the highest altitude energy town, glaciers and permafrost, geology, Swiss national parks, weather and climate, etc. The GeoParc is scheduled to enter its pilot phase this summer with a range of initial offers.
The region has also created a new type of alliance between tourism, energy and agriculture. A regional organic cheese is to be manufactured under the brand name Engadin and sold essentially throughout the valley itself, to be enjoyed first and foremost by guests to the region. The whey, a residual product from cheese manufacture, is to be used to generate high-quality eco-current as part of a novel process in a waste-water purification plant.
Sources and information: 24.03.2004 (de)