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Webinar series "Ground:Breaking"

Mar 13, 2024
Webinar series on desealing to improve soil, climate and biodiversity.
  • Apr 29, 2024 to May 27, 2024


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Desealing soil - but how?

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With our informal webinar series, we want to pass on important information about the benefits of desealing and soil improvement. We present good examples from various Alpine countries, discuss financing options and talk about how to raise awareness of the value of desealed surfaces. In the webinars, scientists, artists, civil servants and spatial planners share their experiences. Participants can ask questions or simply sit back and listen, as we have planned our webinars as brown-bag sessions at lunchtime.

The webinars will be held in English.

Further information on the project:

Webinar Information:

WEBINAR 1, 29.4.2024

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Bianca Rompato

Bianca Rompato from the University of Florence/I outlines characteristics and functionalities of urban soil and how it differs from natural soil. Moreover, she presents preliminary results of her experimentation on using urban waste as substrate component for the conversion of desealed soils into green areas, making it more economically viable.


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Elisabeth Meze

Elisabeth Meze, University of Applied Sciences Kufstein/A, has more than 30 years of engagement in climate change, citizen participation and sustainability. She shares experiences in transforming urban spaces into sustainable areas and emphasizes the importance of inclusive involvement in generating sustainable desealing projects, encouraging self-reflection over teaching.

WEBINAR 2, 6.5.2024

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Thomas Bauer

Thomas Bauer, leader of the soil protection team within the environmental protection department of the federal state of Upper Austria, co-developed a funding programme for desealing measures. He talks about the implementation of the program and the experiences with soil protection and soil awareness raising measures.



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Matthias and Constantin Rühl

Matthias and Constantin Rühl, urban planners in Bavaria in two generations, advise and accompany municipalities in re-designing public spaces with their planning agency STADT & LAND. They talk about their experiences, and how attitudes towards the greening of public and private spaces are changing.


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WEBINAR 3, 13.5.2024

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Chiara Ferré

Chiara Ferré, University of Milano-Bicocca/I, is a researcher in pedology. She speaks about the importance of soil knowledge for a proper restoration of its functionality after desealing operations and about the desealing experiments carried out in the city of Milan.


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Ferré 13.5.2024 Ferré 13.5.2024
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Maša Cvetko

Maša Cvetko, architect and co-founder of the non-profit urban design studio Prostorož in Ljubljana/SI, delves into the process and impact of an desealing project. It involved the desealing of a former site for illegal parking in front of a kindergarten. Through innovative design and careful planning, Prostorož transformed it into a lush, water-permeable green space.

WEBINAR 4, 27.5.2024

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Susanne Reichart

Susanne Reichart, Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management, works in the field of soil protection. She talks about soil life and its site-specific significance in the context of desealing.

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Duscha Padrutt

Duscha Padrutt, lawyer and artist, presents the collective art project from Switzerland. This project looks for playful, poetic ways to give visibility to the issue of desealing. Developed in the city of Bern, the approaches can also be realised in Alpine settlement areas.
