CIPRA representatives:

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  • Database on experts in mountain area research

    The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) has gone online with an expert database comprising almost 5,000 entries on people in governmental and non-governmental organisations as well as private groups who are involved in research into mountain regions in general and the impact of climate change in particular.

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  • Boosting cross-alpine rail freight traffic


    The Adriazug pilot project has been launched in a bid to reduce the burden of HGV traffic on transit routes through the Alps.

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  • Climate-neutral winter holidays in Arosa


    In co-operation with the company ClimatePartner the holiday region of Arosa/CH is the first resort in the Alps to offer climate-neutral winter holidays.

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  • Environmental management at campsites in South Tyrol

    Twelve campsite operators in South Tyrol are planning to introduce an environmental management system as part of the Eco-camping Project.

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  • The Alps should become a model climate region

    CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps, is calling for an Alpine Convention (AC) action plan on climate protection. CIPRA has sent a letter to this effect to the Environment Ministers of the Alpine countries and the EU, who are meeting in Alpbach/A on 8 and 9 November for the 9th Alpine Conference.

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  • New publication on the Eurovignette directive

    The EU's revised Eurovignette directive, which is to harmonise the rules governing road tolls for lorries, has been in force since June 2006, and a new publication takes a detailed look at it.

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  • Ice-free Alps just a matter of decades?


    A new study by the Glaciology and Geomorphodynamics Research Group led by glaciologist Michael Zemp of the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich/CH provides real figures on the past, present and potential future glacier cover in the Alps.

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  • Switzerland: NEAT costs have doubled

    More than 600 participants from all over Europe recently convened in Lucerne/CH for this year's Swiss Tunnel Congress to find out more about the state of progress with the New Alps Transversal Route, or Neat.

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  • Future research and transnational cooperation in the Alps

    The June issue of the Journal of alpine research bears the title "Future research and transnational cooperation in the Alps". Four contributions in two languages (French and English) are devoted to this theme.

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  • Brain Drain and Brain Gain in peripheral regions


    The focus of the 2003 - 2007 "Brain Drain - Brain Gain" Project is the development, introduction and evaluation of action plans that reduce the migration of skilled labour from peripheral regions and instead favour migration into these areas.

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