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Awards for six sustainable tourism projects

Apr 09, 2009 / alpMedia
During its presidency of the Alpine Convention France is focusing on sustainable tourism.
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A competition launched at the end of 2008 announced 39 initiatives from five Alpine states aimed at showcasing project ideas on sustainability. An international expert jury from the official delegation of the Alpine Convention has named five award winners in each Alpine country: Solare Mobilität Südkärnten, Karawanken/A; Il Cammino delle Dolomiti/I; CRPOV Dovje Mojstrana/SI; Kulturwege Schweiz - Via Stroria/CH; Diversification touristique innovante de l'Argentière la Bessée/F; and Naturinformationszentrum Bergwelt Karwendel/D.
The projects from Slovenia and France received the highest marks as part of the evaluation process. The jury was most impressed by the broad spectrum covered by the projects and complimented the fact that the initiatives were supported not only by the public sector but also by private local stakeholders. The awards were presented by the French State Secretary with responsibility for town and country planning at the 10th Ministerial Conference of the Alpine Convention held in Evian/F in March.
Source: CIPRA France