CIPRA representatives:

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  • Point of view: European elections 2024: why a Swiss citizen would also like to vote

    Switzerland’s referendum-based democracy has pitfalls of its own when it comes to environmental and climate policy. There needs to be an overarching corrective, such as neighbouring countries have in their constitutional courts and through the legal institutions of the EU, says Kaspar Schuler – as a Swiss citizen and Executive Director of CIPRA International.

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  • Excessive consumption of resources

    The Alpine countries are living at the expense of future generations: if everyone lived like those living in the Alpine region, the available resources for this year would be used up by May 2024.

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  • Toxic chemicals - even in ski resorts

    Anoraks, climbing ropes, ski wax: many outdoor products contain persistent chemicals (PFAS). A recent study shows their worldwide distribution, with ski resorts in the Alps particularly affected.

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  • Guiding visitors, preserving the natural experience

    From artificial intelligence and the last kilometre to carrying capacity limits and nudging: the speciAlps podcast series and a webinar delve deeper into the topic of visitor guidance for a wide audience.

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  • Via Alpina reborn with a new look

    Good news for long-distance hikers: the new Via Alpina website is now online, making it easier and more fun to plan hiking trips through the Alps.

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  • The urban exodus and the climate

    Many mountain regions in the Alps are affected by out-migration. However, climate change is also causing some people to migrate – at least temporarily – from the cities to the mountains, as an Italian research project shows.

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  • UNESCO recognizes Alpine season as cultural heritage

    In December 2023, UNESCO added the “Alpine season” to its Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Known for centuries in Switzerland and neighbouring countries, the Alpine season remains alive and well thanks to its many different forms.

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  • Point of view: Mountains for everyone? Not a chance!

    Access to the mountains and mountain sports is often unfair, exclusive, segregating and discriminatory. Henriette Adolf, Deputy Executive Director of CIPRA Germany, argues in favour of equal participation in mountain sports.

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  • 2030 Winter Olympics in Nice

    Switzerland’s idea of decentralised, sustainable games has been rejected by the IOC. Instead, the French Mediterranean city of Nice is very likely to be awarded the contract.

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  • Short story: The sheet of paper

    We present one of the five short stories that won an award in the short story competition as part of the "Reading mountains (Berge lesen)" festival 2023in Vaduz.

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