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Dossier Facts4Tourism

Oct 30, 2023
The dossier "Facts4Tourism" is a collection of facts and findings from science and research that deal with topics and challenges of tourism in the (German) Alpine region. In addition to background information, definitions of terms and practical examples, scientific publications and current research results are presented in a generally understandable way and with the help of graphics. The topics covered include different forms of tourism, their effects, the management of visitors and the challenge of "resilience in tourism".
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The dossier offers a well-founded insight into the current state of the tourism research landscape and presents findings that point the way and have the potential to leave a lasting mark on the tourism sector. At the same time, it provides impulses for further discussions and developments. In this way, the state of science is to be made accessible to all actors in the discussions on tourism developments in the Alpine region in order to facilitate constructive and, above all, sustainable solutions.

The dossier "Facts4Tourism" was compiled as part of the project of the same name in cooperation with the Chair of Economic Geography and Tourism Research in the Department of Geography at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, and was funded by the German Federal Environment Agency and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. The English translation of the Dossier Facts4Tourism is an abridged version. The original German Version can be found here.

Type Title
Year of publication 2023
Publisher CIPRA Deutschland e.V.
Place of publication Munich
Number of pages 159
Language de, en

digital: free of charge
Print edition: 25€ incl. shipping (expense contribution)*

*only available in the German version

Document type Book