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The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in Mountain Regions

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Year of publication2002
Publisher(s)CIPRA Internationale Alpenschutzkommission
Place of publicationSchaan
Number of pages79
Languagede, en, fr, it, sl
PriceCHF 15.00, Euro 10.30
JournalCIPRA large series of publications
Magazine No.2002/20
* The role and the recognition of NGOs in Europe
* Instruments for the intervention of NGOs in the enforcement of legislation
* Aarhus convention - The right to a healthy environment
* The compliance procedure of the Alpine Convention
* What are the effects of the right of appeal of the environmental organisations in Switzerland?
* How NGOs work and are run
* Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), organisations which take multiple forms
* CIPRA, an Alpine NGO
* Legambiente - Italy
* The Austrian conservation league
* The Austrian Tourist Club
* Conservation in Upper Austria - Cooperation and Partners
* Mountain Wilderness
* TransALPedes 1992-2002
* NGOs in Tadjikistan and Nepal
* NGOs and the Development of the Mountains in Central Asia
* Environmental Challenges in the Mountains of Nepal
Filed under: Networking