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The right place

Year of publication 2007
Author(s) Giorgio De Ros
Co-authors T. Guggenberger, S. Venerus
Publisher Wallig Ennstaler
ISBN/ISSN 978-3-902559-10-4
Number of pages 186
Language de, en, it
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Page(s) 186
The project „Alpine network for sheep and goats promotion for a sustainable territory development“ - Alpinet Gheep - supported by the European Community Initiative Programme Interreg IIIB Alpine Space, was developed in order to give sustain to the operators. The aim of the project was to promote sheep and goat productions e.g. wool, meat, milk and dairy products, as well as the connected activities through a permanent network set up among the breeder associations, local administrations and research institutes. In the three years project period, the productive sectors of Austria, Germany, Slovenia and North-East Italy were involved in order to enhance the economical aspects of breeding, to increase their role in the social context and to emphasize the positive effect on environment and on sustainable development of territory.