CIPRA representatives:

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  • Eusalp without Swiss cantons?


    The Swiss mountain cantons want to leave the Eusalp – but not entirely: this surprise contradiction was dropped into talks about a future Eusalp presidency at the beginning of October 2020.

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  • Monitoring Alpine biodiversity


    Photo traps, audio recorders, soil samples: a unique research project in the Alps documents the effects of the climate crisis on biodiversity in the Berchtesgaden National Park/D. The findings will also benefit other mountain regions.

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  • Strange, but true...


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  • Freight transport belongs on the rails


    EU transport ministers want to reach an agreement on the new Eurovignette Directive for transit traffic by the end of September 2020. CIPRA International and the "iMonitraf!" network are therefore calling for rapid agreement to ease the burden on humans and nature.

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  • Youth and climate as the focus of AlpWeek


    What do young people think about climate change in the Alps? This is the main theme of the AlpWeek Intermezzo, due to take place in Nice in December 2020.

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  • Location policy at the expense of the environment


    Slovenia’s government wants to restrict the right of civil society to have a say in controversial construction projects. Other Alpine countries are also pursuing location policies at the expense of the environment.

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  • What can we learn from the coronavirus crisis?


    In the Alps, too, the question now arises as to what will happen after the corona crisis. As part of its development of new projects, CIPRA conducted a survey to gain an impression of the current mood.

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  • Vision Velo Alpina: a cycle path through the Alps


    The Alpe-Adria cycle path or the Eurovelo routes: in the Alps there already exist cross-border long-distance cycle paths, but there is not yet a route through all the Alpine countries. A project to test the feasibility of a Velo Alpina wants to change this.

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  • Point of view: The mountains, a safe place


    During the lockdown due to the corona pandemic, mountain areas have gained in importance as places of retreat. In order to be able to fulfil this role better in the future, they must be strengthened and digitally networked, demands Vanda Bonardo, President of CIPRA Italy.

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  • Talking about the climate – but how?


    Personal, visual, social: this is how we communicate the climate crisis more effectively. Around 250 people discussed language, psychology and social media in the online conference “Tell stories, prick up your ears, make contacts”.

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