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What can we learn from the coronavirus crisis?

Sep 01, 2020 / alpMedia
In the Alps, too, the question now arises as to what will happen after the corona crisis. As part of its development of new projects, CIPRA conducted a survey to gain an impression of the current mood.
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CIPRA takes a closer look at the opportunities and challenges of the coronavirus for the Alpine region.

The corona crisis has affected more than three quarters of the survey participants: 68 percent felt restricted, with personal contacts being the most missed. Most of them spent their time on creative activities such as cooking and handicrafts, enjoyed themselves at home or spent more time reading or outdoors.

When asked which side effects should be continued after the lockdown, 94 percent said that there was less road traffic, closely followed by air traffic; almost three quarters felty that the increased solidarity among people should be maintained; while technical aids for teleworking and similar, as well as flexible time management followed in the ranking.

According to the survey, the measures most likely to be implemented are greater attention to regional trade (68%), more online meetings and less travel (59%) and the consumption of regional and seasonal products (42%). Participants see the greatest development potential in the Alpine region in the areas of nature, tourism and agriculture. Tourism also poses the greatest challenges for 70%, followed by mobility and trade and industry.

The 172 participants in the survey came from all Alpine countries. More than half find their own lifestyle sustainable, most buy seasonal, regional products, avoid packaging and cycle regularly.

In addition to the qualitative survey, CIPRA conducted discussions with various players throughout the Alpine region. The evaluation serves as a basis for the development of new projects or modules that address the opportunities and challenges of this development in the Alpine region.


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Detailed results of the Survey:

Type Title
Results of the Corona Survey Results of the Corona Survey
Filed under: Sustainability, alpMedia, Corona