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Joint commitment to the Alpine space

Jul 28, 2016 / alpMedia
The interaction between CIPRA International and the “Alliance in the Alps” goes back to the foundation of the latter in 1997. The basis for co-operation has now been renewed at a strategy meeting.
Image caption:
Representatives of "Alliance in the Alps" and CIPRA International at the February strategy meeting held in Innsbruck, Austria © Alliance in the Alps

The Alliance in the Alps network of municipalities, initiated in collaboration with CIPRA, is an association comprising some 300 local authorities located throughout the Alpine region, from France to Slovenia. The member communities have come together in support of the goals of the Alpine Convention for sustainable development in the Alps. On the basis of their common fundamental values and with the aim of furthering mutual exchanges and exploiting synergies, in February 2016 the executive committees and management bodies of both organisations met in the Austrian city of Innsbruck.

The meeting was motivated by the desire of representatives to review common successes, define their common fundamental values and, looking to the future, establish a sound approach for co-operation – particularly in the areas of project development and political statements so as to join forces and achieve more in terms of Alpine protection. A “Memorandum of Understanding” records the joint contents and subject areas. “Co-operation should further reinforce the strength of both networks while aiding convergence of the diverse topics and people in the respective networks”, stresses Andreas Pichler, designated CIPRA international executive director. “Together in this way we can continue to support a successful Alpine policy at local, regional and international level.”

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Filed under: alpMedia 06/2016