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A public-shared sustainable energy action plan

Jun 18, 2013 / Verein Alpenstadt des Jahres
The Natural Regional Park of Queyras (France, PACA region) launched its own sustainable energy action plan in May 2013. Its primary objective is to be shared among citizens and local stakeholders.
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For Queyras, the people are the catalyzer of sustainable development - it's their knowledge and experience that can further the region. © Christoph Püschner/Zeitenspiegel
The main objectives of a sustainable energy action plan are to reduce the energy bill of the territory and to anticipate the consequences of climate change on economic activities. Agriculture and (winter) tourism are just two examples for the highly vulnerable sectors that could be affected by an increase of energy cost and the impacts of climate change.
But what the Natural Park wishes above all, is to encourage all stakeholders citizen and local politicians to enter this pathway.
In order to accomplish this goal a workshop for local citizens on the issue as well as a “citizen’s convention” will be set-up. It will consist of 15 citizens, randomly selected, who will have an important role in the debate and for the decisions that will follow. They will be assisted by experts in order to have the competence to prepare their personal recommendations for the implementation of concrete actions.
The global aim: Energy transition should actually take place in the region with the ideas and will of all citizens to reach self-sufficiency by 2050.