CIPRA's point of view: An appeal for the mountains
Jan 25, 2012
Bigger, faster, further: not even the mountains are immune to this mantra of growth. CIPRA France is thus seeking visions for a sustainable future for both people and mountains.

Image caption:
Schutzhütte Promontoire: Offizieller Auftakt des "Appells für unsere Berge". © Vincent Neirinck / Mountain Wilderness France
A movement that wishes to create an awareness of how to handle the environment with care: the "Appel pour nos montagnes" campaign is an attempt by CIPRA France, Mountain Wilderness and ANCEF (the Association for Cross-County Ski and Mountains) to place people and their relationship with nature at the centre of future decision-making. The idea is to develop alternatives to the prevailing urge towards constant growth that puts pressure on both mountains and society: "The mechanisms of the past, in other words the exploitation of the resources of a limited area, are threatening our dreams and threatening the future of the mountains. Just like people, the mountains now need new perspectives", states the campaign manifesto. The mountains have what humans really need: water, peace and beauty that makes thinking and dreaming possible. We should seek to preserve these fundamentals for living.
More than 5,000 people have already signed the text, among them numerous personalities such as Isabelle Autissier, sailor and President of WWF France, astrophysicist Pierre Léna and biologist Jean Marie Pelt. The manifesto in French, the supporters and how to take part are available at: (fr).
More than 5,000 people have already signed the text, among them numerous personalities such as Isabelle Autissier, sailor and President of WWF France, astrophysicist Pierre Léna and biologist Jean Marie Pelt. The manifesto in French, the supporters and how to take part are available at: (fr).