400 European municipalities committed to climate change issues
Apr 23, 2009
400 European towns, cities and municipalities have signed the Covenant of Mayors.

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Nine Alpine towns and cities, among them Grenoble/F, are committed to tackle issues of climate change without delay. © Sphinx! / flickr
Local authorities are committed to go beyond the European Union's objectives for 2020 in terms of CO2 emissions and energy efficiency and to tackle climate change measures without further delay. The signatories also undertake to draw up a sustainable energy action plan, with civil society involved in its development, and to share experience and know-how with other territorial units. Alpine regions have so far been underrepresented: only 9 of the 400 towns or municipalities are located in the Alps. While Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland do not have any signatory Alpine towns, the following localities are committed to the Covenant: Andora/I, Avigliana/I, Bolzano/I, Echirolles/F, Grenoble/F, La Bastidonne/F, Laxenburg/A, Wolfurt/A and Ljubljana/SI. The Covenant of Mayors was founded in 2007 as part of the EU's energy and climate protection package and calls upon municipalities, town and cities to tackle climate change issues without delay.
Information: (en)
Information: (en)