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New publication on Alpine Towns

Mar 15, 2007 / alpMedia
In 2005 CIPRA, the International Commission on the Protection of the Alps, organised a large conference on Alpine Towns and has now published the collected findings in a conference book.
Image caption:
© CIPRA International
The book, entitled AlpineTown - AlpineCountry - The Responsibility of Alpine Towns for the Future of the Alps, looks at the way life in the Alps is changing and at relations between town and country from a social, economic and ecological viewpoint. With spatial borders becoming increasingly blurred, the terminology itself is confused: where does a town end and where does the countryside begin? And what's more, not all rural areas are the same. There are dynamic suburban areas, successful tourist regions, but also "dormitory belts" close to towns and cities and remote tributary valleys undergoing a massive exodus. The conference book looks at all the resulting challenges for politics and regional planning, for local inhabitants and tourism alike. It also features new forms of co-operation and a new planning policy designed to strengthen the Alpine region in its environment as a whole. The conference book is available in five languages (de/fr/it/sl/en) and can be ordered through