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Austria: Federation money for the implementation of the Alpine Convention

Jun 29, 2006 / alpMedia
In Austria the Federation recognises the potential of the Alpine Convention (AC) and, in the future, it will directly fund its implementation. So far, the AC was often considered as pure "prohibition law". Recently it has found access in the Austrian Federation programme for country development.
Already one year ago, the Austrian National Council unanimously approved the "Highlighting of the ecological and regional economic potential of a development of the Alpine Area agreed with the Alpine convention, including the relevant protocols". Now the so called "green Pact" is drafted for the country development 2007 - 2013 and one chapter is devoted to the AC with the title "Preservation and improvement of the country heritage". In collaboration with the AC, projects by towns or regions will be promoted, as well as management plans or excursions up to the marketing of regionally specific products and services. The level of support is still to be defined.
Quelle: (de)