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52nd International Mountain Film Festival

Dec 18, 2003 / alpMedia
The 52nd International Film Festival on the subject of mountains, research and adventure is to be held in Trento/I, the 2004 Alpine Town of the Year, from 29 April to 9 May. Countries from all over the world are invited to submit films in the following categories: mountain films, films on alpinism, alpine landscape films, research films, sports and adventure films.
52. filmfestival trento
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The First Prize worth €5,000 will be awarded to the best film overall, with five other prizes worth between €1500 and €3000 to be presented to the best film in each category.
The Festival is being organised by the cultural association Festival Internazionale Film della Montagna e dell'Esplorazione Città di Trento with the support of the Italian Alpine Association and the towns of Trento and Bolzano. The closing deadline for participation in the Festival is 31 January 2004.
Information and registration: (de/it/fr/en)
Filed under: society, culture