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Regions tackle climate change
by zopemaster published Mar 23, 2010 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:15 AM — filed under: ,
The participants at the start-up meeting for a transnational LEADER project held in Mäder/A on 20 and 21 January 2010 went one step further. The 20 or so representatives from five interested project regions in different Alpine countries met up with CIPRA staff in Vorarlberg to get to know one another and come up with a joint project design.
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Communities committed to an improved climate
by zopemaster published Mar 23, 2010 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:15 AM — filed under: ,
The international climate conference entitled "Municipalities and the climate - Putting mitigation measures to the test" was held in Mäder/A on 21 and 22 January. Around 130 participants from all the Alpine states responded to the invitation of the Alliance in the Alps network of municipalities and CIPRA International to discuss sustainable climate response measures.
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"Cool heads in the hothouse!": Interview with a cc.alps award winner
by zopemaster published Mar 23, 2010 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:15 AM — filed under: ,
"Everyone wants to do their bit!" On 6 November 2008 CIPRA rewarded the seven best measures submitted to the cc.alps competition. The Oberallgäu municipality of Wildpoldsried/D won one of the three main prizes for its activities in the area of energy efficiency. Andrea Skiba from the cc.alps team spoke to the Mayor of Wildpoldsried, Arno Zengerle, about their success.
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Conference searching solutions to adapt to climate change
by zopemaster published Feb 08, 2010 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:26 AM — filed under: , , , ,
The Berchtesgaden National Park and the Alpine Network of Protected Areas (ALPARC) organised an international conference on ecological networks and climate change. The conference "Alpine Ecological Network: a response to climate change that will preserve biodiversity?" took place in Berchtesgaden, Germany, on 15th and 16th October 2009.
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Publication: mountains and climate change
by zopemaster published Feb 03, 2010 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:15 AM — filed under: ,
The English-language Mountains and Climate Change was published recently and focused on mountains around the world and the effects of climate change. It documents the latest findings on climate change in the mountains of the world and its impact on water, glaciers, natural hazards, biodiversity, food security and migration.
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Global warming increases frequency and extent of flood catastrophes in the Alps
by zopemaster published Feb 03, 2010 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:15 AM — filed under: , , ,
In an article published in the magazine Geophysical Research Letters researchers at Italy's Politecnico University in Turin recently confirmed that more frequent and more extensive floods in mountain areas were one of the consequences of global warming.
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Warmest decade for at least 130 years
by zopemaster published Jan 12, 2010 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:15 AM — filed under: ,
The last ten years will go on record as by far the warmest in the alpine region since systematic records began. In Germany even the "cool" year 2004 with an average temperature of 9.0 degrees centigrade was well above the climatological mean for Germany, at 8.2 degrees.
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The construction industry as a key to the problem of climate change
by zopemaster published Dec 14, 2009 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:15 AM — filed under: , , , ,
The information provided through cc.alps is now available in the form of focussed background reports called Compacts, which can be downloaded from the CIPRA website at . The first three Compacts - on Energy, Nature Protection, and Construction and Refurbishment - address their subjects with reference to climate change in the Alpine context. The authors list and analyse activities relating to climate change mitigation and adaptation, assessing them for sustainability, explaining the conflicts of interest involved, and presenting examples of good practice.
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New content for
by zopemaster published Dec 14, 2009 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:15 AM — filed under:
The cc.alps website now offers additional in-depth content in the form of Compacts. Regular updates and additions are planned. For each topic, CIPRA has drawn up a list of demands, which can be downloaded separately from its website at (de/fr/it/sl).
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cc.alps to continue in 2010
by zopemaster published Dec 14, 2009 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:15 AM — filed under:
The cc.alps project continues in 2010 with a focus on more in-depth research and dissemination of the knowledge generated, above all by promoting specific projects at the municipal level, and also by organising and participating in international events.
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